Richard Allen – How To Dominate Property Investing In The UK

This book was very similar to the previous property investment book I read, Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People’s Time, Money and Experience. The buy, remortgage, reinvest technique was exactly the same but one thing that this book covered, which the previous one did not, was ways to identify the going market […]

Steve Alten – Phobos

The 3rd and final book in Steve Alten’s Mayan trilogy, Phobos was a bit of a head fuck but wrapped things up superbly. With multiple time lines, the story was starting to get more confusing than the Terminator franchise, but it was still an enjoyable read!

Steve Alten – Resurrection

Whilst not quite as awesome as the first book, Domain, Resurrection was still really good. Starting pretty much where the first book ended this one featured far less archaeology but intertwined the Mayan doomsday prophecies with the characters in the story, explaining how they fulfil it. After reading it, I had to push on to […]

Steve Alten – Domain

This book was extremely cooky, but really well researched and a great read. Combining pretty much every UFO conspiracy I’ve come across, with the Mayan doomsday prophecies and other ‘lost’ archaeology such as Stone Henge, this is the kind of trash I like. Fortunately it’s the first book in a trilogy and I ended up […]

Blood Sugar 101: What They Don’t Tell You About Diabetes

Blood Sugar 101 is based on the author’s award winning website and as a newbie to diabetes I found the information in it extremely useful and laid out in a well written and ordered manner. The book is basically a meta analysis of every single scientific paper covering diabetes that Jenny Ruhl has been able […]

Jung The Key Ideas: A Teach Yourself Guide

This book is my first introduction to Jungian psychotherapy and proved a great introduction. Whilst reinforcing concepts I’m sure most of us are familiar with already, e.g. the duality of introversion and extraversion, the parts I enjoyed the most were when recent revelations I’ve only recently discovered about myself where introduced in the book as […]

Use Of Weapons

I found Use Of Weapons to have an annoying pace to it. The story features two timelines that alternate every other chapter, making the book choppy to read. Whilst the pace of the main plot seems to yo-yo between glacially slow and then super fast. The concept of the story and what Bank’s tried to […]