6 Tips To Help You Read More Books

I’ve been lucky in that I’ve always enjoyed reading. My earliest memories are of consistently getting in trouble as a child due to reading Terry Pratchett or Fighting Fantasy at night, it’s always something I enjoyed but ended up getting sidelined shortly after I turned 25 when I become a jaded, adult with a career. […]

9 Months In Thailand

My triple entry Thai visa has been used and abused, I’m all out of entries and it’s completely expired so after first coming to Thailand on September 1st 2014, I left for Oslo on May 10th 2015 to meet a friend of mine and for operation Europe! Weightloss I got weighed recently and was down […]

5 Months In Thailand

It’s now been 5 months since I left the UK and 2 months since my last update. I’m currently in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, for 10 days. Weightloss I went to the hospital for a routine check up last weekend and weighed in at 84kg. I’ve lost 6kg since my last update 2 months […]

3 Months In Thailand

I’ve now spent 3 months in Thailand and am visiting Siem Reap in Cambodia for a week, so it’s time for a bit of accountability! Weightloss They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here we go: I’ve lost 10 kg in the last 3 months, training at Tiger Muay Thai and Crossfit […]

First Item Sold

I’ve been working on several product niches, following Anton’s Drop Ship Lifestyle system for a few months now, along side all my other projects, and this week I got my first sale so I’m very excited for the future. Drop Ship Lifestyle has a very vibrant community, both online with their members only forums and […]

The Trip Is Booked!

Today I took action and booked flights out to Phuket, Thailand and made arrangements for my first week out there. Most People In Life Don’t Show Up Technically I started making arrangements last year, when I handed in my notice at work, only to ask for it back and change role. I also booked a […]