Odd Occurrences In Apache Access Logs

I’ve been watching my Awstats installation this month as idimmu.net is about to peak with over 7000 unique visitors in a month for the first time in it’s history, which is pretty awesome. But there’s been something really weird going on in the results .. This is kind of ironic as in a recent job […]

Apache2 with SSL and Tomcat5.5 on Ubuntu

One of the newer features to our site is an access control mechanism to force specific paths to only be delivered over SSL when our customers have particularly sensitive data. We already use Apache2 with mod_jk to talk to the Tomcat5.5 instance running our app so the only part left is to enable SSL! First […]

Apache2 ldap auth on Ubuntu Dapper and Feisty

As part of our internal office systems upgrade we have a shiny new LDAP server which we like to use as much as possible. One of the things we use it for is Apache user auth, mainly we control SVN with it so people can only commit to the projects they’re allowed to but we […]

Configuring Tomcat 5.5 and Apache 2 with mod_jk

mod_jk is a conduit between a web server and Tomcat, it supports a variety of web servers including IIS. Using mod_jk to put Apache in front of Tomcat lets you use all the power of Apache (caching, gzip, mod_rewrite, etc) whilst at the same time serving content from Tomcat, also with Ubuntu it’s really easy […]