Why I Bought A Rolex Starbucks

Last year I bought a brand new, Rolex Starbucks. i dont know if you guys have seen the meme of all the gurus saying everyone in america would make it if they just stopped buying starbucks coffee? Moguls like Kevin O’Leary can be very judgemental about people’s coffee habits. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/04/kevin-oleary-wont-pay-2-point-50-for-coffee-instead-he-invests-it.html Medical schools are advising students […]

EthicHub Investment Platform

What Is EthicHub? EthicHub was formed in 2017 and is a crowdsourced lending platform, offering approximately 15% APR on investments of as little as €20. EthicHub, for now, is focusing on the coffee growing communities near the city of Tapachula in the Chiapas state of Mexico. Chiapas Mexican Coffee Chiapas coffee is some of the […]