Drop Ship Lifestyle 2014 Retreat – Day 3

We’ve just done day 3 of the Drop Ship Lifestyle Retreat in Chiang Mai! Justin and Joe from Empire Flippers gave a fantastic talk about creating SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and the monetary potential of selling a profitable website! (Who knew you can sell a profitable website for 20 times it’s averagely monthly profit!)

Drop Ship Lifestyle 2014 Retreat Schedule

Thursday, October 9th

  • 8:00am – 9:00 – Open office with coffee (Optional)
  • 9:00am – 12:00 – Empire Workshop with Justin Cooke and Joe Magnotti
  • 12:00pm – 1:00 – Buffet lunch at Ibis Styles
  • 1:00pm – 2:00 – Empire Workshop conclusion
  • 2:00pm – Meet out front of Ibis for transportation to the Sticky Waterfalls
  • 2:45pm – 5:45 – Explore the Sticky Waterfalls
  • 5:45pm – Meet at drop off point for return transportation to Ibis

Nothing was planned for the evening, which was fantastic as it gave me some time to make a payment to one of our suppliers that had been blocking progress for almost 2 weeks. It also gave us an opportunity to explore Chiang Mai a little bit on our own terms.

Sticky Waterfalls

After the talk Anton organised 2 buses to take us the 90 minutes to the Sticky Waterfalls just outside Chiang Mai centre. The driver was insane and almost killed us 3 times on the way there, forcing another driver off the road whilst making the most hilariously stupid over taking decision ever, but we made it there alive. Thai drivers are just rubbish. I’ve driven all over the world and whilst drivers in Georgia and Russia are daring, they are also good, but in Thailand the drivers are simply not good.

The sticky waterfalls are crazy. They are covered in white calcium deposits and there is very little algae, so you can walk up and down them, using a rope to hold on to during the most hairy sections.

Korean BBQ

In the evening we headed off to the local Korean BBQ. The premise was simple, 150 Baht (£3) for an all you can eat buffet featuring meat, fish, prawns and vegetables that you cook yourself on a communal hotplate on your table! It was a really cool, social place, full of students and very different culturally to anything I’ve seen before in England!

I mostly stuck to the beef as I was a little concerned about not cooking my food properly but I woke up the next day feeling amazing.

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