SVN COPY 502 Bad Gateway error

Our developers were experiencing a weird problem recently with our SVN installation where they couldn’t copy any files in SVN, they would always get the following error

svn: COPY of /project/!svn/bc/5121/trunk/path/file.gif: 502 Bad Gateway (https://svn)

A quick fix of course would have been to just create a new file and copy the contents but this wouldn’t have kept the file history. A quick google lead to this page and a solution!

Our specific problem was we had tried to be lean and set up a default https config that all our SSL sites used which specified the SSL parameters in, but we hadn’t explicitly enabled SSL in the svn vhost, so although SSL was working fine, Apache and mod_ssl actually thought the request was coming through on port 80, and thus http, instead of port 443, https, so the request was being translated to technically copy a file from one svn repository to a completely different one.

The solution was to put the SSL engine and cerficiate options back in to the svn vhost so Apache would pick up that the connect was indeed https and not http!

Version Control with Subversion

For more SVN advice, I recommend Version Control with Subversion by O’Reilly. It contains everything you need to know when using or managing SVN repositories.

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