Paris is undeniably one of my most favourite cities. It’s nice.
Cinema Paradiso
As I travelled round Europe I used the app to help me find my way, which is single handedly the best app you can get for your phone, other than Google Maps and some others. One of the awesome lists of things to do for Paris was a list of places from films! This was good as it kept me very entertained, I got to do a lot of walking and I had to get to grips with the underground system which was hilariously easy. Like most underground systems, it put the London underground to shame.

The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower was pretty tall and had a tennis ball hanging from the centre, which was nice. I didn’t go up it though due to a crippling fear of heights.
The Louvre
The Louvre, as featured in the Da Vinci Code, is cool. One of my favourite things is ancient civilisations, particularly Egypt and Mesopotamia and the Louvre is totally full of stuff relating to this.

Food In Paris
Carbs carbs carbs carbs steak carbs. It was all good, lots of foie gras, which is definitely becoming a trend now I’m back in this region. Whether it was the real thing I’ve no idea, a lot of people advertise duck pate as fois gras nowaddays.