Rolling With The 6.57 Crew: The True Story Of Pompey’s Legendary Football Fans

Growing up in the 80s/90s on the outskirts of Portsmouth football was everything. We played it so much that myself and some of my mates actually started to develop knee issues! As a kid the 6.57 crew were kind of legends. We all loved Pompey and there was always boasts and stories every now and again of someone’s older brother or cousin getting in to trouble for 6.57 related activity. Even now as an adult (?) when I talk to my mates from Leigh Park or Havant usually something 6.57 related comes up as some kind of brag, so there’s still something in the air about them!

When I first ventured out of Portsmouth, visiting places like Reading and Norfolk, when innocent shop keepers asked where I was from, and I said Pompey, quite often they came back with a retort like “Thats quite a rough area isn’t it?”. I never really understood why until I read this book!

Written by Cass Pennant, from West Ham’s ICF, and Rob Silvester from the 6.57 the book covers about 20 years of 6.57 history, as well as loads of information about Portsmouth that I never knew. Featuring interviews and recollections with lots of members of the 6.57 who were there at the time, there are dozens of anecdotes about away trips and fights with other firms as well as skirmishes with the police and courts and even details of a few prison sentences.

The book doesn’t just cover the 6.57’s hooligan antics, it also documents their attempt to get the late Docker Hughes to stand as a 6.57 candidate for Portsmouth South in the 1987 General Election with one of their policies being duty free booze on the Gosport ferry.

If you’re interested in Portsmouth or English football hooliganism this book will be an entertaining read. It does a great job of describing what the scene must have been like back then with a good injection of humour and with out glorifying the violence. It was certainly an eye opener to a lot of things going on up the road that I had no idea about when I was growing up there!

How To Prevent Ringworm

IMG_3279 All over the Internet there are dozens of posts on Muay Thai and MMA forums of fighters going down with Ringworm and other fungal infections. Most people who have trained long enough will have come in to contact with someone else that has Ringworm and possibly had it themselves. The first time I caught it was my very first session training at ZT Fight Skool when I borrowed some gloves and got it all over my hand. Getting rid of it took over 2 weeks and killed my motivation to train! I don’t want that to happen again here so am going to be a lot more careful.


How To Prevent Ringworm

Following these simple tips can reduce the risk of you catching it.

Avoid sharing. Sounds selfish, but Ringworm is a fungus and can spread by touch, so don’t borrow or lend clothing or equipment from or to anyone. You never know what might be lurking on it!

Wash clothing and training equipment with an anti-fungal soap. Dettol is not anti-fungal, it is antibacterial.

Avoid walking barefoot, if using communal showers, wear flip flops.

Shower immediately after training and use an anti-fungal soap.

Anti-Fungal Soaps

There are soaps out their specifically designed for fighters, e.g. Defense Soap as well as several, scientific studies, to suggest that Tea Tree Oil makes a great anti-fungal.

As I can’t find Defence Soap out here in Thailand, and my visits to the super markets haven’t produced any other specific anti-fungal soaps, as well as following the steps above I’m also using a tea tree oil based soap.

Muay Thai Training

I’ve been struggling to make it through the entire of the 2 1/2 hour Muay Thai lessons, typically only managing 1 – 1 1/2 hours before I am too exhausted to continue. To compensate I started training twice a day getting in 2 – 2 1/2 hours of training in each day. Until today! As I managed to last 2 hours solid in the morning session.

I wasn’t sure why I was struggling to last more than 90 minutes, so over the weekend I decided to add more carbs to my diet and do some carb loading. Usually I just eat meat and vegetables but that probably wasn’t enough to keep me going. So I got creative.

I added brown rice to the meat and vegetable dishes and also incorporated Hawaiian pizza on a wholemeal base in to the mix. I also made sure to drink 4 1/2 liters of water on the Sunday. Normally the food I’ve been eating hasn’t been spicy at all but I ordered stir fried chicken with holy basil, took one mouthful and then picked all the chilli out of it. Don’t get me wrong, I love chillis, but this was head and shoulders spicier than anything I’ve eaten in England!

After the 90 minute mark, where I usually have to flake, the lessons get a LOT more interesting. We did about 10 minutes of pad work, where I was paired up with a trainer who held pads as I punched, kicked and elbowed them in combinations as instructed. The next 10 minutes were free form on the punch bags. Then after that we entered the ring and actual sparring took place. By this time I was completely exhausted, and had run out of water, I’d drunk over 1 1/2 liters and completely emptied my bottle .. Due to a combination of being shattered and being rubbish I think I got punched in the face about 100 times during my short sparring session, before I bailed.

If a fighter looks helpless and cannot or refuses to intelligently defend himself following a strike(s) and receives repeated blows but does not tap out or call out a signal to quit or end the bout, he may be called “out” by the official ring referee and the bout stopped if referee feels it is necessary and awarded to that fighter’s opponent.

This was basically me 😀

Blood Pressure

I fell out of the habit of taking my blood pressure daily using the [amazon text=QardioArm Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor&asin=B00JM6EBHG]. It’s kind of boring, but I took it again today to check as I do want to keep track of it.

Today’s reading showed a noticeable drop. 133/86 down from a high of 165/104 meaning I’ve gone down from Stage 2 Hypertension to Prehypertension. This is fantastic news, although I am aware that blood pressure can fluctuate massively. Hopefully as I continue this healthy life style it will enter the Normal range.

The [amazon text=QardioArm Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor&asin=B00JM6EBHG] is really good, but I have to make sure not to move my arm or hand at all whilst I make the reading. If I do it pops up with a warning saying it has to retake my blood pressure. I imagine this is the same with all blood pressure monitors but for some reason at the doctors I’m less inclined to move around!

The Daily Mail Is Banned In Thailand

ict2 Seriously, if I try and visit any pages on I get the awesome error in the image to my left. This is probably for the best for a variety of reasons 🙂

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Pancakes

It was inevitable that at some point in Thailand I’d fall ill with some kind of stomach bug, that day was Thursday. I’d managed to wake up at 7:50 am, had a shower and was eating breakfast by 8am, but after the first bite of melon I knew something was wrong. With in 2 hours I was throwing up everywhere 😀 They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger so hopefully this will give me some kind of superman like immunity to other stomach bugs. Also it couldn’t have happened at a better time as I’m out for the count anyway due to the stupid fungal infection, which is slowly clearing up but still there.

Leisure Suit Larry

As I’m ill I’ve just been sat inside, watching films, reading and getting room service whilst leaving the door to my flat open. I now have a pet. A rather large lizard, probably about 6″ long has managed to get in and is now living in my ceiling above the kitchen area. I’ve called him Larry. I can’t get to him though due to the layout of the roof and by the time I reach for my camera, he’s hidden himself again.

Stupid Fungal Infections


Yesterday was Muay Thai lesson number 2, I managed to get through 90 minutes of it and it was totally awesome. We started off with running then drills again. I’ve found hanging at the back of the class is the best place as whilst doing the drills you have more access to the trainers so I had a lot of my technique fixed. After the drills we then did some partner ‘sparring’, or at least practising stand up grappling techniques, which was pretty cool. The guy I was training with had Judo experience so despite the disability of the gloves we managed to pretty much get the hang of what was going on.

After the grappling I was exhausted but we’d only just passed the 60 minute mark and I didn’t want to flake out that early. I wasn’t sure exactly what happened next as I was dyeing, but everyone lined up around the punching bag and a couple of us with out the bags got assigned a trainer with some focus mits. I’ve no idea what the guys on the bags were doing (well I have an idea …) but for the next however long I did rounds with one of the trainers on the mits. Jabs, hooks, elbows, right kick, left kick, right knee, left knee, front kick.. they were all going well. Block however wasn’t 😀 Every time the trainer yelled block he followed it with a kick to either my right or left, which I was too block. The majority of the time the kicks just went straight through and I didn’t block correctly (with my leg) at all, very occasionally I’d react and lift my leg up to block, but on the wrong side, and once or twice I blocked using my hand on the right side (which would have been pretty much useless). As such I can contend that if put in the ring with some pads, I will win, as long as they don’t hit back.

Also of note, I woke up at 9:30 today! Aiming for 8:30 tomorrow 😀


After dinner I noticed there was an itchy patch on my leg. I’d done everything as recommended, i.e. bath in Dettol 24/7 but applied some random antibiotic/antifungal cream I bought with me anyway then forgot about it. This morning it’s a nice big red circle and a lot itchier so I went to the local pharmacy, that’s on the same street, between Signature Phuket hotel and Tiger Muay Thai and pointed at it whilst saying fungus a lot. I’m pretty sure I was doing the staff their a disservice as everyone I’ve spoken to so far has an excellent grasp of English, but the lady behind the counter shouted Zalain a lot and then 220 Baht later I have some exciting fungal cream. Hopefully as I’ve caught it early, applying the cream the recommended twice a day will fix it quickly.


Today was going to be a rest day anyway as I’ve done 2 on, so not training due to the fungal infection wasn’t a big deal. Tomorrow on the way to train I’ll see if I can get some bandages/plasters or something to cover it as I obviously don’t want to spread it around. If I can’t, I’ll go for a run or something that doesn’t involve contact with other people or focus pads. Edit: Spoke to the staff, no training until it’s gone, they guestimate 2 days 🙁

Making UK Calls Abroad

I forgot to get one of my bank cards unlocked for international travel, so when I tried to make a purchase recently everything went FUBAR. Realising what the problem was, my stomach sank as the solution would mean phoning the bank, talking to someone, waiting for ages then hopefully getting a resolution. I had some Skype credit from 2 years ago left hanging around so placed the call. The quality was really good, comparable to a mobile phone and the 15 minute call cost around 50p which was reasonable.

Later I had to dial an American number to work out another issue, so I went with Skype again. Unfortunately the guy on the other end of the line sounded a bit garbled and he couldn’t make out a single word I said. I’d heard similar complaints about Skype from American Dropship Lifestyle members. In the end I went with the Grasshopper platform for making US calls, which uses an iPhone app.


Boom, we’re making more sales now using Anton’s Dropship Lifestyle technique, but also spending more on advertising. If nothing changes though that’s enough profit to cover the cost of living in Phuket, Thailand and more than enough for Chiang Mai.


Our new Ebook should hopefully also launch soon, I’d like to say by Friday but maybe next Friday is more realistic. I’ll be quite happy when that’s out of the way as it’s soaked up a lot of time and resources for what is mostly a marketing exercise. When that’s done it’ll free up more time to really expand and get things going.

The Smell Of A Figher

IMG_3249 Is Dettol. You can smell it everywhere like cheap perfume or aftershave and it’s an instant giveaway that someone is training in one of the many fight camps along the road. It’s a necessary evil though as it’s recommended to wash all clothes and training equipment in Dettol or another anti-bacterial solution in order to reduce the spread of staph or ringworm infections. Not only is this a good idea for health reasons, it helps with my travel light policy as I’ve been hand washing the same couple of sets of clothes daily for the past week 🙂 We’ve also been given Dettol anti-bacterial soap to wash ourselves with!

First Muay Thai Lesson

After having to ditch Tiger Muay Thai’s cross training lesson half way through I decided to try their Muay Thai next. I still haven’t shifted this jet lag and am basically sleeping on UK time so made the 16:00 lesson, rather than the intended 08:00 lesson 🙁 Arriving 5 minutes early, the class had all ready started so I jumped in to a 5 minute stretching session, next came 15 minutes of running laps round the training area mixed up with all the usual exercises you’d encounter in most other martial art environments, shadow boxing, arm raises, heals to hands, side steps in and out etc. fortunately we weren’t asked to run doing knees to chest as that sucks!

Next up it was time to gear up. I had no idea how to do my hand wraps so like half of the class the instructor did it for me, then it was shin pads and gloves on for a drill session. Left elbow, right elbow, right kick, right knee, left knee, lean back, step left, forwards, step right, backwards, right block, left block, turn, upper left elbow, over and over again as the instructor shouted out moves. Whilst performing each move several other instructors were moving around the class, judging technique and tweaking where necessary which was really helpful. I think there were 4-5 instructors to the class in total. After a water break it was shadow boxing time, which was essentially the same thing just on our own time, and again the instructors were more than happy to assist with technique. Also one side of the wall is mirrored so you can check out what you’re doing. After the drills we split off in to pairs and practiced various kicks and blocks, again the instructors were awesome and helped out when necessary.

At 50 minutes in I was dyeing so after several back to back breaks and sips of water I realised that yet again it was time to leg it to fight another day. As I was sorting myself out to leave I had a chat with the instructor who was ok with it and encouraged me to come tomorrow for the 8:00 class. If I can I will, but I seem to fall asleep around 6:00 Thai time, or 00:00 UK time, I am trying to fix that 🙁

Thailand In September

IMG_3248 It’s monsoon season here at the moment, and whilst sometimes it’s so hot you just sweat buckets, there’s very little sunshine as it’s always overcast so I generally haven’t had to wear sunscreen, though I’m sure that will change. On Saturday it was proper windy and raining and the hotel suffered some damage to it’s red parasols!

Jet Lag

As whined about else where, I still haven’t managed to shake this jet lag yet. This is really starting to great as the only yoga class is 6:30 and that’s around the same time I fall asleep. It also means I’m not able to take advantage of Tiger Muay Thai’s excellent meal plan, that I’ve already paid for. E.g. today I woke up at 12:00, had breakfast at the Signature Phuket hotel at 13:00, then had dinner #1 at Tiger Muay Thai at 18:00 and then dinner #2 just 1 hour later at 19:00. Not ideal.

A similar thing happened yesterday, but Tiger Muay Thai’s grill closes at 16:00 on a Sunday so I ordered something comparable from the hotel instead.


I need to get a grip on the jet lag though as not only am I missing training classes, it’s also costing me money due to the additional food!

Cross Training

IMG_3223 After taking Thursday off because of DOMS and still being jet lagged I decided to do yoga then the cross training today. I went to bed at 10pm and then fell asleep at 6am just before the yoga started, which was useful. So today was just cross training. And it sucked.

The format of the class was a worm up, which killed me in itself, then 2 WODs. I prefer what we did at CrossFit Hove, which was a short warm up, followed by strength or skill training for 30 minutes and then the WOD at the end, so I’m going to have to chat to one of the Strength & Conditioning coaches to sort something out, or just do the Black Iron Beast routine I was doing at CFH originally on the side.

I’ve forgotten what the 2nd WOD was because the first one completely whipped me out. I scaled all the movements by 50%, e.g. I just did 30 burpees, and I still came last.

After we’d packed up from the first WOD I skipped the rest of the class, went home, jumped under the shower then dived in the pool. I’m trying to get in as much swimming as possible as it’s relaxing, easy on the joints and a lazy way to burn some calories.


  • 60 burpees
  • 50 plate over head lunges
  • 40 situps
  • 30 double unders or 90 singles
  • 20 press ups
  • 10 man makers


As part of the Tiger Muay Thai package I’m on I get a bunch of exciting supplements, pictured above. I opted for the chocolate whey protein and after two days of using it, I still haven’t had the shits, which is really good going. There’s also Zinc supplements, L-Carnitine and Omega-3. Everything a growing boy needs!

Muay Thai

I still haven’t taken my first Muay Thai lesson because lets face it, if I can’t cope with an hour of cross training, I’m not going to do very well with a 2 1/2 hour Muay Thai lesson! There’s no cross training tomorrow, so if I can get up in time I’ll do a yoga class followed by the BodyFit.

Tiger Muay Thai Fitness Test

As part of Tiger Muay Thai’s weightloss package, every Wednesday they run a fitness test to see how you are getting along. This consists of the usual measurements being taken by tape measure and scales (no body fat callipers) and then a series of timed exercises including:

  • 3 laps around the training site
  • situps
  • pressups
  • burpees
  • squats
  • ‘quick feet’

I left my numbers with the trainer but it will be interesting to compare them in a months time when I do it all over again! Whilst I was exhausted and soaking with sweat, I felt ok afterwards!

First 24 hours in Thailand

IMG_3218 Thailand is hot, like really really hot and after an 11 hour flight on British Airways where they ran out of both the beef and Heineken, followed by a much shorter 1 hour flight and then a 1 hour tax drive, I made it to Tiger Muay Thai and Signature Phuket at about 15:00. After checking my bags in to Signature I went down to Tiger Muay Thai and was given a tour and had a meet and great with all the people that worked there. The meal plan was explained as well as all the other activities that go on around the camp and how to sort out personal training. By the end of the tour I’d been awake for over 26 hours so had no intention of eating right or doing any exercise so decided to have a ‘last meal’ of the Signature Burger with Bacon and Cheese for the very modest sum of 100 BAHT (about £1.80) then crashed at about 17:00.

Signature Phuket

The Signature Phuket resort is really nice. The people, both staff and guests, are really awesome and it’s a really pleasant environment that, for a change, actually looks like the pictures on their website!


I was awake at 5:30 am so managed to get down to Tiger Muay Thai for the 6:30 am yoga session, on the way I met a couple from Texas who arrived on Sunday who were also going to the yoga so it was good to know I wasn’t alone! The yoga was brutal, it was a lot like the hot yoga I’d done before, except for outside, and the heat wasn’t artificial. With in minutes I was dripping with sweat! After the yoga some of the class were heading straight over to the Muay Thai class that would start in 30 minutes, but for my first day that was a bit extreme for me so I decided to head back to the hotel and do 4 laps of the pool, which didn’t take very long but proved how out of shape I am.

For 160 BAHT (£3) breakfast at the hotel consisted of 3 poached eggs, 5 (I think) rashers of bacon, a huge plate of fruit (melon, banana, pineapple and mango) and a bottle of water. They let you mix and match stuff on the menu so you can build the meal you want so I will have to experiment.

Whilst having breakfast I took the Kindle with me and started reading which is all about the Law Of Attraction (you may have heard of this idea from the book, The Secret?), but explains it using the idea of different levels of conscious vibrations which you can move through to manifest beliefs. I have my own, much more grounded ideas but I’m going to keep an open mind and read it through to the end!


Business is also booming, I checked this morning and was presented this lovely sales summary 😀


I’m now making consistent sales, no longer have a 9-5 to go to, so now it’s time to really knock it up a notch!

Travelling With High Blood Pressure

Travelling With High Blood Pressure The biggest reason for my trip to Phuket and Tiger Muay Thai is to relax, rejuvenate my health and kick myself back in to the shape I used to be. At the moment I am suffering from High Blood Pressure which hopefully will sort itself with eating healthily and regular exercise.

Travel Insurance For High Blood Pressure

Having High Blood Pressure counts as a pre-existing medical condition, something a lot of insurance companies are not fond of covering. This is compounded by the complexity of getting insurance for extended trips of world travel with no set itinerary.

Most travel insurance companies I spoke to point blank refused to cover anyone with any pre-existing condition, for anything, so after a lot of searching and a lot of refusals Out Backer Insurance recommended me their sister company Cover For You which essentially offers the same world travel insurance but also accommodates people with pre-existing medical conditions!

Through them I was able to get travel insurance cover despite the High Blood Pressure. For those interested having High Blood Pressure increased the cost of the insurance by £200, which is a lot, but it is good to know that I am now covered for the next 12 months.

Portable High Blood Pressure Monitor

Whilst I’m travelling I want to gauge my health and fitness, and whilst scales, a stop watch and ‘the iron’ will be plentiful in the gyms I will be visiting, I don’t want to keep making trips to hospitals or doctors surgeries to keep track of my blood pressure, so I’ve decided to take a blood pressure monitor with me!

QardioArm Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor

There are loads of battery powered, portable monitors on Amazon but I wanted one which was really compact as I don’t want it to take up half my bag. The smallest one available is the [amazon text=QardioArm Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor&asin=B00JM6EBHG] which measures 6.9 x 3.8 x 14 cm and weighs all of 308g. It works over Bluetooth and is controlled by, and syncs with, your phone or tablet allowing it to be such a small size as it doesn’t have controls or a screen itself.

QardioArm Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor IOS App

Mine arrived today and I did some tests for accuracy and it is exactly in line with the readings I’ve been getting from my Doctor so I am more than impressed with its performance. It is also incredibly simple to use! As you can see my blood pressure is super high!

Functionally the IOS application I am using to control it with my iPhone is excellent, it can take the average of 3 readings and produce the output as a graph over time and even email the results to your Doctor. It will be really easy to see how the life style change affects my blood pressure as I progress.

Is This The Most Important Script You’ll Ever Write?

Since my first IT job ever, I’ve taken part in a tradition started by the guy I was replacing. A tradition known to us as, and something people in my local Linux Administrator community have kept with for well over a decade now.

The Most Important Script You’ll Ever Write?

The first time I saw it it was written in Perl, I’ve since written them in Bash, Java and now Javascript. I’ve just seen one written in AWK. Some are cleverer than others, some just do the bare minimum. Some are executed by hand, others are run each time a new terminal is opened thanks to .profile, .bashrc or whatever’s managing your shell environment.

Well What Does It Do?

Quite simply the most important script you’ll ever write calculates the difference between two dates. Today, and your last day of work. The day you escape.. Where to? Who knows, perhaps a new job, a new country, either way somewhere significant!

Mine is currently a node.js app, and it has a bug, it hasn’t taken in to account a bank holiday, but it does the job.

free:~ rus$ node escape.js 
Escape in  18  days.
Working days left:  15

Another takes in to account even minutes so he knows how long he’s waiting!

16:03 < woduf> 004 days, 00 hours, 57 minutes

How complicated you want to make the most important script you’ll ever write is up to you, but the sentiment remains the same!

Examples Of The Most Important Script You’ll Ever Write


function workingDaysBetweenDates(startDate, endDate) {
    // Validate input
    if (endDate < startDate)
        return 0;
    // Calculate days between dates
    var millisecondsPerDay = 86400 * 1000; // Day in milliseconds
    startDate.setHours(0,0,0,1);  // Start just after midnight
    endDate.setHours(23,59,59,999);  // End just before midnight
    var diff = endDate - startDate;  // Milliseconds between datetime objects    
    var days = Math.ceil(diff / millisecondsPerDay);
    // Subtract two weekend days for every week in between
    var weeks = Math.floor(days / 7);
    var days = days - (weeks * 2);

    // Handle special cases
    var startDay = startDate.getDay();
    var endDay = endDate.getDay();
    // Remove weekend not previously removed.   
    if (startDay - endDay > 1)         
        days = days - 2;      
    // Remove start day if span starts on Sunday but ends before Saturday
    if (startDay == 0 && endDay != 6)
        days = days - 1  
    // Remove end day if span ends on Saturday but starts after Sunday
    if (endDay == 6 && startDay != 0)
        days = days - 1  
    return days;

var date1 = new Date();
var date2 = new Date("08/29/2014");
var timeDiff = Math.abs(date2.getTime() - date1.getTime());
var diffDays = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); 
console.log("Escape in ", diffDays, " days.");

var workdays = workingDaysBetweenDates(date1, date2);
console.log("Working days left: ", workdays);


Thanks to woduf for the following awk snippet!

awk 'BEGIN { print strftime("%j days, %H hours, %M minutes", mktime("2014 08 15 17 00 00") - systime() - 89940) }'


Thanks to xhae for the following HTML/JS combination!

<style type="text/css">
body {
    background-color: #8c8;
    font-size: 11em;
    color: firebrick;
var then = new Date(2013, 6, 5, 17, 0, 0);
(function loop() {
    var now = new Date(),
        s = Math.round((then - now)/1000).toString(),
        DAY = 86400,
        HOUR = 3600,
        MINUTE = 60,
        days = Math.floor(s / DAY),
        hours = Math.floor((s % DAY) / HOUR),
        minutes = Math.floor((s % HOUR) / MINUTE),
        seconds = Math.floor(s % MINUTE);
    document.body.innerHTML = "T-" + days + ":" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;


Thanks Huw!

#!/usr/bin/perl -w</code>

use strict;
use Date::Manip;

my $leave = "14th June 2013";
my $escape_date = ParseDate($leave);
my $day = ParseDate("today");
my $count = 0;

do {
$day = DateCalc($day, "+ 1 day");
} while (Date_Cmp($day, $escape_date) &lt; 0); print "Only $count day",$count&gt;1?"s":""," to go\n\n";


Thanks woduf. Note, this works fine on Linux/GNU but not so fine on Mac/BSD

d=$(($(date +%s -d '2013/09/27 17:00:00') - $(date +%s))); echo "Escape in $((d / 86400)) days, $((d % 86400 / 3600)) hours"

Have you ever written an Whether you love your job or hate it, changing job can be a significant life decision and it helps to add fun to the seriousness of it! Please send me examples of your most important script and I’ll add it to the list!